Sarah Ting

ThreeJS Journey

This month I enjoyed marathonning ThreeJS Journey, a 71 hour course by Bruno Simon covering ThreeJS, Blender, and React Three Fiber.

🤔 My impressions

Things I really liked about the course —

  • It’s structured well and covers the concepts of ThreeJS thoroughly while providing detailed explanations.
  • Everything is very clearly explained in video format including both subtitles and playback speed adjustment.
  • For people who don’t like listening to lectures, there is also a text-format representation of every lecture including screenshots. This was my favourite feature, as I do prefer reading over listening, but when I was struggling with a concept, I could swap back to the lecture and listen to Bruno’s explanation.
  • There is also an accompanying quiz for every lecture, and finishing every quiz grants you a certificate of completion! The quizzes are not very intensive and probably are not a good progress indicator, but they were fun.
  • The course is very beautifully put together. Bruno has an incredible eye for detail and aesthetic.

Things I thought the course could add —

  • The course already includes sections on creating 3D models in Blender, then importing them into 3JS. While we did cover how to play pre-existing animations in 3JS, it doesn’t cover how to rig and animate models in Blender, which was something I was really excited to learn. I ventured to YouTube for supplementary material on this, but I think it’s something I would’ve loved to see in this course.

⛹️‍♂️ Final project

I made a marble race game! This follows the final class very faithfully, so if you purchase the course you’ll end up making something very similar.

📷 Screenshots

Some screenshots of pieces that I worked on that I thought were cute 🤗  Again, I followed the class very faithfully, so this is very similar to what anyone else would make following the class instructions.

A 3D-modeled burger (low poly) on a background photograph A 3D-modeled burger (smooth) on a background photograph Screenshot of an admin panel displaying 3D-modeled waves A 3D-modeled scene depicting a fenced path leading to a magical portal surrounded by rocks and wood stumps

🌟 Conclusions

I thought it was a great experience and super worth the money! Would love to have more opportunities to work with 3JS in the future. I have some ideas to make a little game or 3D model generator with it, which I hope to have the chance to do this year.

Sarah's certificate of completion for ThreeJS Journey